Sunday, April 25, 2010

All those unfinished projects , oh my !

My goal this weekend was to to complete all those half done, medium done and rarely done projects sitting on my dining room table desperately crying for attention. The past two weeks had been "CRAZY" busy for me with tax deadlines, voluntereing at Full Frame and coupled with the fact that I was gone for a week on business to beautiful Seattle, WA. Some of the things I tackled this weekend were to screen print the rest of my cushion covers and to glaze couple of my bisque fired pottery pieces sitting on the studio rack. And of course ... how can a weekend be ever complete for me without making some lovely cards using some of the gorgeous stamp sets I own. Hope you like them all!

Meera 013

Meera 010

I screen printed the birds on the fabric and then used the leftover paint on the screen to print some cards.

Meera 015

Meera 018

Oke-wyme clay
Meera 003

White Earthenware clay finished with Terra Sigillata.

Meera 014

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