Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lochmere Art and Craft Fair

This past weekend I participated in the neighborhood Art and Craft fair. This is the very first time I have participated in anything like this, and the response I got was terrific!!! Not only was I amongst all these wonderful artists selling my art work but I also got to meet and talk to so many different kinds of people with varied interests. I am all cleaned out guys and I could sell most of my art work. Believe me, nothing is more satisfying to an artist than to see people appreciate what they have created. My wheel thrown pots and the little notebooks were the first to go. Now this has motivated me to create even more art work. I should also mention that now I have enough money to buy some more art supplies and that macro lens I have been dreaming about.

In all the business of getting ready for the event, I totally forgot to take my Nikon (Big mistake!!!) so I do not have any pictures except these taken with my BB. Not good but you get the idea ….

Since I was also a newbie – I was missing a few items such as a canopy, extra table, loose change, bags, business cards etc etc. Oh well … I will be better prepared next time.

One other thing: Remember the “Jodhpur Collection” of Pots that I had blogged about a while back. A lady and her husband bought the entire set as a gift for their son who has recently returned from a long spiritual visit to India.